Workanzer Policies

Workanzer policies

Workanzer terms and conditions

Refund policies at Workanzer

Cancellation Policy for hourly projects

updated : December 22,2022

In Workanzer, we believe that a good community has clear rules. Here are the policies for our website regarding different aspects of the platform. Keep in mind that this is a work in progress and as we grow, Workanzer's rules will evolve too.

Remember that the use of Workanzer is governed by our terms and conditions and our user agreement. Policies are an addition to the documents cited above.

As always, we welcome your comments.

Platform policies

1. Behavior on the website

The communication through messages should always be cordial. Abuse or insults will not be tolerated. Workanzer does not allow any type of discrimination against people based on racial, ethnic, social, or minority origin, caste, religion or beliefs, political opinion or any other nature, language, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, or any other condition. Neither Workanzer as a platform nor any user (client or professional) can commit any discriminatory practices mentioned above. Workanzer commits to sanctioning these actions if they are found to be committed.

Workanzer will be able to contact users through the instant messaging application WhatsApp, our representatives are identified with the identity of Workanzer. We do not ask for any payment, sharing of passwords or access data, if you suspect please contact support.

Do not share contact information (email, phone, skype, whatsapp, hangout, linkedin, instagram, facebook and external links in general)***

Sending an external link is not allowed . Nothing that makes a client and / or freelancer leave Workanzer's site. (including direct link from Behance should also not be sent).***

What happens in Workanzer stays in Workanzer. Unless you have obtained written permission from the other party, you cannot make public any posts or content from the work.

2. Site Content

You will not post projects, messages or content on the website about:

  • pornography and content unsuitable for minors,
  • violent content,
  • content related to racial intolerance or attacks on a particular group or organization,
  • content that includes excessive profanity,
  • content related to hacking,
  • content related to casinos and gambling,
  • drug-related content and related articles,
  • content related to the sale of weapons or ammunition (eg.: firearms, firearm components, knives or stun guns),
  • content related to the sale of products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods and other items,
  • malicious softwares (viruses, spyware, etc.),
  • or any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity or infringes the legal rights of others.
3. Policies for the publication of projects

If a job is in violation of any of Workanzer's policies, it will be removed from the website. The client is free to re-publish the work if the violation is corrected.

The most common reasons for the removal of work ads on Workanzer are:

  • It violates the terms of service of another company or entity.
  • It asks vendors for unpaid work.
  • The content violates section 2 of these policies.
  • Payment is offered outside Workanzer's payment platform.
  • Payment is based on commission or compensation in shares.
  • The payment offered is less than the legal minimum wage in the professional's country
  • It violates the integrity of an academic institution, including homework, writing essays for school, exams or submitting applications.
  • It violates any U.S. laws or laws from any other country.
  • It should not contain personal or contact information.
  • It should not promote other services or products.
  • It should not be used to find full-time employees.

4. Policies for Proposals

When submitting a proposal, the provider may not:

  • Offer their services for free.
  • Use unprofessional language and/or harass another member of Workanzer.
  • Offer to get paid outside Workanzer.
  • Make reference to the commission of the platform.
  • Use messaging and proposals for other purposes instead of presenting a proposal.
  • Include any contact information. For example: Skype, email, phone, website URL, GTalk, etc.

5. Policies for posting your profile

A worker's profile cannot contain:

  • Contact information beyond what is offered through Workanzer.
  • Offers for payments outside Workanzer's payment platform.
  • Offers for services that are against Workanzer's Terms of Service or the policies of any other company or entity.
  • Any text that is copied from another worker profile.
  • Use messaging and proposals for other purposes instead of presenting a proposal.
  • Display of work over which the profile owner has no legal rights or property.

6. Policy about working relationships in Workanzer.

Relationships between employers and workers that starts in Workanzer must continue in Workanzer for at least 2 (two) years since the last completed project between the both.

Any work relationship that has started in Workanzer and continues outside the platform, loses our guarantee and put the user's account at risk. If this happens, Workanzer could close the accounts at any time.

7. Penalties for violation of a Policy

Workanzer will suspend or close the accounts of members who violate its policies.

  • For publication violations offering jobs / projects, they will be removed from the site. Repeated violations of our policies will result in account termination.
  • For workers' violations, the minimum penalty is a suspension of 15 days. For major violations, such as plagiarism, avoiding fee payments, manipulating comments or repeated violations of our policies, the worker's account is subject to immediate termination.


updated : May 25,2022


These Terms of Use (“Terms”) constitutes a legal agreement between persons who desire to contract for Freelancer Services (the “User” ) and Workanzer, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “Workannzer” or “us” ), and providers of Freelancer Services to Users (“Freelancers”) and Workanzer. These Terms govern your use of our services platform that facilitates communications between Users and Freelancers offered through our website located at, as it may be modified, relocated and/or redirected from time to time, and the mobile applications offered by us. Our services, platform, website and mobile applications are collectively referred to as the “Workannzer Site.” References to “you” or “your” means the applicable User or Freelancer.

Remember that the use of Workanzer is governed by our terms and conditions and our user agreement. Policies are an addition to the documents cited above.

Your access and use of the Workanzer Site constitutes your agreement to be bound by these Terms, which establishes a contractual relationship between you and Workanzer. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not access or use the Workanzer Site. These Terms expressly supersede prior agreements or arrangements with you. Workanzer may immediately terminate these Terms with respect to you, or generally cease offering or deny access to the Workanzer Site or any portion thereof, at any time for any reason.

Workanzer may amend the Terms related to the Workanzer Site from time to time. Amendments will be effective upon zer’s posting of such updated Terms at this location or the amended policies or supplemental terms of the applicable service(s). Your continued access or use of the Workanzer Site after such posting constitutes your consent to be bound by the Terms, as amended


The Workanzer Site is a technology marketplace where Users and Freelancers can identify each other and buy and sell services online. Those certain services requested by Users, which are to be completed by the Freelancers, are hereinafter referred to as “Freelancer Services.” Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Workanzer provides services to Users and Freelancers, including hosting and maintaining the Workanzer Site, and enabling the formation of User Contracts. When a User and a Freelancer enter into a User Contract pursuant to subsection B below, the User and Freelancer use the Workanzer Site to engage, communicate, invoice and pay online.

Workanzer will be able to contact users through the instant messaging application WhatsApp, our representatives are identified with the identity of Workanzer. We do not ask for any payment, sharing of passwords or access data, if you suspect please contact support. Unless otherwise agreed by Workanzer in a separate written agreement with you, the Workanzer Site is made available solely for your personal, noncommercial use. Workanzer does not itself provide the Freelancer Services. The provision of all Freelancer Services is up to the Freelancers. WORKANA, THROUGH THE Workanzer APPLICATION, OFFERS INFORMATION AND A METHOD TO OBTAIN SUCH FREELANCER SERVICES, BUT DOES NOT AND DOES NOT INTEND TO PROVIDE SUCH FREELANCER SERVICES, AND HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY FREELANCER SERVICES AND/OR WORK PRODUCT PROVIDED TO YOU BY FREELANCERS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, A WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COMPLIANCE WITH ANY LAW, REGULATION, OR CODE. IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH, ENDORSED OR SPONSORED BY ANY THIRD PARTY PROVIDER.


Upon the User awarding a project or contest to a Freelancer, and the Freelancer’s acceptance on the Workanzer Site, or the purchase of an item by a User from the Freelancer, the User and the Freelancer will be deemed to have entered into a contract (the “User Contract” ) under which the User agrees to purchase, and the Freelancer agrees to deliver the Freelancer Services. The User and Freelancer may enter into an agreement between each other separate from these Terms, provided that you agree not to enter into any contractual provisions in conflict with these Terms.

Each User and Freelancer acknowledges and agrees that the relationship between such User and any Freelancer is that of an independent contractor. Nothing in these Terms creates a partnership, joint venture, agency or employment relationship between any User and any Freelancer. Nothing in these Terms shall in any way be construed as forming a joint venture, partnership or an employer-employee relationship between Workanzer and any User or Freelancer.


User grants Freelancer a limited, non-exclusive, revocable (at any time, at User's sole discretion) right to use the User Deliverables as necessary for the performance of the Services. User reserves all other rights and interest, including, without limitation, all Proprietary Rights, in and to the User Deliverables. Upon completion or termination of the Service Contract, or upon written request by the User, Freelancer shall immediately return all User Deliverables to the User and further agrees to purge all copies of User Deliverables and Work Product contained in or on Freelancer's premises, systems, or any other equipment otherwise under Freelancer's control. The User has 15 calendar days to comment on project deliveries with a value of up to 100 USD. If the User remains inert to this Freelancer delivery, it will be understood as accepted tacitly, releasing the funds equivalent to Freelancer. Freelancer agrees to provide written certification to the User certifying the return or purging of User Deliverables within ten (10) days after the receipt of the User's written request to certify.


Any copyrightable works or works for hire prepared by Freelancer in connection with a Fixed-Price Contract for User shall be owned by the Freelancer until payment has been made by the User and accepted by the Freelancer. If the User pays an amount less than the amount agreed to in the Service Contract, the Freelancer may refund the amount paid within two (2) weeks of the payment date and retain ownership of the Work Product. To the extent that under applicable law, Proprietary Rights cannot be assigned, Freelancer hereby irrevocably agrees to grant, and hereby grants, to User an exclusive (excluding also Freelancer), perpetual, irrevocable, unlimited, worldwide, fully paid, and unconditional license to use and commercialize Work Product in any manner now known or in the future discovered. To the extent such license grant is not fully valid, effective or enforceable under applicable law, Freelancer hereby irrevocably agrees to grant, and hereby grants, to User, such rights as User reasonably requests in order to acquire, as close as possible, all rights equivalent to full legal ownership. In order to ensure that User will be able to acquire, perfect and use such Proprietary Rights, Freelancer will: (i) transfer possession, ownership, and title to media, models, and other tangible objects containing Work Product to User; (ii) sign any documents at User's request to assist User in the documentation, perfection and enforcement of its rights; and (iii) provide User with support and reasonable access to information for recording, perfecting, securing, defending, and enforcing such Proprietary Rights. Freelancer also irrevocably authorizes User to act and sign on Freelancer's behalf and take any necessary steps in order to perfect User's rights under this Agreement. In the case that under applicable law, Freelancer retains any rights of paternity, integrity, disclosure and withdrawal and any other rights that may be known as or referred to as "moral rights" (collectively "Moral Rights") or other inalienable rights to Work Product or Confidential Information under this Agreement, Freelancer irrevocably agrees to waive, and hereby waives, all such rights, or, to the extent Freelancer cannot waive such rights, Freelancer agrees not to exercise such rights, until Freelancer has provided prior written notice to User and then only in accordance with any reasonable instructions that User issues in the interest of protecting its rights. Freelancer shall ensure that no Work Product created or delivered by Freelancer includes any pre-existing software, technology or other intellectual property, whether such pre-existing intellectual property is owned by Freelancer or a third party including, without limitation, code written by proprietary software companies or developers in the open source community (collectively "Pre-existing IP") without obtaining the prior written consent of the User to the inclusion of such Pre-existing IP in the Work Product. Freelancer acknowledges that, without limiting any other remedies, Freelancer shall not be entitled to payment for, and shall refund any payments to Freelancer for, any Services performed on a Contract if the Work Product contains any Pre-existing IP that was not approved in accordance with this Section.

Refund policy at Workanzer

updated : june 10,2022

How does Workanzer work?

Workanzer is a platform that connects clients and professionals for work that can be done remotely. These jobs can be paid hourly or by a fixed amount. 💰 When a client accepts a proposal for a project at a fixed amount, the client makes a guarantee payment. This payment remains with Workanzer until the project is completed and the client releases the payment to the professional.

If there’s any problem with the project, it may be cancelled. In this case, the amount still under guarantee on the platform may be reimbursed to the client, i.e. the value that has not been released to the professional by the client (check our project cancellation policy). In the event of a cancellation with a refund to the client, this amount will be credited to the client's Workanzer account. At this time the customer may choose to use the amount as a credit in future contracts or request a refund.

The information below also applies for cases where clients add credit to their account.

Option 1: Credit

To view this credit, simply log in to My Finances > My Account Movements, clicking on your photo, at the top right of your profile. To use this amount in future contracts, when you are directed to the payment page, simply select the "use Credit" option. In the event that the amount to be paid is greater than the balance in the account, the client must pay the difference to start the new project. If the amount to be paid is less than the balance in the account, the difference will remain as credit and the client can use it again in another contract or request a refund for the difference remaining in the account. 😉

Cancellation Policy for hourly projects

updated : July 02,2022

How does Workanzer work?

Workanzer is a platform that connects customers and professionals to work remotely. Workanzer projects can be paid for a fixed value or per hour worked.

In projects per hour, both the employer and the professional have access to a Work Journal. There professionals record the hours worked. After this registration, the employer must approve or reject those hours. If they would be approved, the payment thereof is automatically released to the professional. If instead the hours are rejected, they are not paid.

If the hours are approved, the professional gets paid automatically, so a refund is no longer possible, even if the project between closed.

If instead the hours were rejected, and both sides could not reach an agreement, Workanzer may intervene performing an arbitration. In this case, the cancellation policies are the same as for fixed value projects (see cancellation policies for fixed value projects)

If Workanzer conclude that the employer is right, the rejected hours will not be paid. In case of conclusion that the professional is successful, the payment solventing the hours worked will be debited. Workanzer works to make fair decisions and taking care that the agreements between professionals and clients are respected. Therefore it is important to always make clear everything agreed between the parties within each project.