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This allows us to make sure that your account and the skills you present are genuine in order to make it possible for our clients to pick the best individual for their job.

1.Create a story in your profile summary
2.List relevant skills
3.Use keywords
4.Showcase the services you can provide

When submitting a proposal, the provider may not:
  • Offer their services for free.
  • Use unprofessional language and/or harass another member of Workanzer.
  • Offer to get paid outside Workanzer.
  • Make reference to the commission of the platform.
  • Use messaging and proposals for other purposes instead of presenting a proposal.
  • Include any contact information. For example: Skype, email, phone, website URL, GTalk, etc.

Workanzer will suspend or close the accounts of members who violate its policies.
  • For publication violations offering jobs / projects, they will be removed from the site. Repeated violations of our policies will result in account termination.
  • For workers' violations, the minimum penalty is a suspension of 15 days. For major violations, such as plagiarism, avoiding fee payments, manipulating comments or repeated violations of our policies, the worker's account is subject to immediate termination

Workanzer is the new and fastest way to find you the handyman, tradesperson and tasker you need for any job. With us you can easily find and connect with all levels of skilled and talented workers in your region. Workanzer is a platform that connects customers and professionals to work remotely. Workanzer projects can be paid for a fixed value or per hour worked. In projects per hour, both the employer and the professional have access to a Work Journal. There professionals record the hours worked. After this registration, the employer must approve or reject those hours. If they would be approved, the payment thereof is automatically released to the professional. If instead the hours are rejected, they are not paid.

Help Center

1 Check your profile type
2 Apply in the help panel
3 The answer to your question is available

Profile type

I'm Customer

I hired or want to hire professionals.

I'm a Professional

As a professional, I need help.

2 Help options

Billing methods will be the same for all countries and payments can be made through paypal or credit/debit cards.

In essence, an escrow is a type of legal holding account for funds or assets, which won't be released until certain conditions are met. The escrow is held by a neutral third party, which releases it either when those predetermined contractual obligations are fulfilled or an appropriate instruction is received.

In projects per hour, both the employer and the professional have access to a Work Journal. There professionals record the hours worked. After this registration, the employer must approve or reject those hours. If they would be approved, the payment thereof is automatically released to the professional. If instead the hours are rejected, they are not paid.

Recurring payment is a payment model where the customers authorize the merchant to pull funds from their accounts automatically at regular intervals for the goods and services provided to them on an ongoing basis.

The service cost is 4.5% in all cases where a contract is made regardless of the form of payment, and the minimum value of this service cost is 2 USD. The payment of this cost is made by the customer.
The processing cost is dynamic and depends on the payment method chosen and the country the customer is in. This cost is informed at the time of payment and applies to all payments, regardless of whether or not this payment is contracted.

In the event that it is necessary to cancel the project, the client has the option to initiate the mediation process. In this instance, which has no charge to either party, the client and the professional initiate a negotiation in which they decide on the work done, how to divide the amount deposited in guarantee and the rights of the work already delivered, if any.
To start the cancellation process, enter to the project and click on the button ""start mediation process"
After that, the system will display a series of comments before moving on. After reading them, accept the terms and click the button and you can proceed:
At this point, the system will present you with the mediation form, which you need to complete to continue. Percentages of the funds to be paid: At this point, you define what percentage of the funds you wish to release or not. Whether you decide not to release anything, or part of it, you only need to enter the number. Example, 0 (you don’t want to release anything), 20 (if you want to release 20%).
How does the process continue?
Upon receipt of the cancellation bid you have just submitted, the other party has the option to accept it, to make a counter-bid or to request arbitration. If there is no response within the period of the corresponding mediation - which can be from 24 to 72 hours, it will be considered as automatic accept. If the other party decides to accept your bid, the project will be cancelled and the funds will be distributed as agreed. If the other party decides to submit a counter-bid, you can accept it, you can send a new counter-bid or request arbitration to Workanzer.
NOTE: If you are a client and you are credited with some or all of the funds, they will be available in your profile. There, you can use them for a new project payment or to request a refund.

  • At the end of a mediation, both the client and the professional rate each other. In case of not being qualified in 5 days, Workanzer will assign 0 stars to each of the parties.
  • Either party may receive a breach in their profile if Workanzer considers that what was initially agreed in the project has not been complied with.

In the unlikely event that Workanzer has not been able to resolve a Dispute it has with you after attempting to do so informally, you agree to resolve any Dispute arising out of or in connection with or relating to this Agreement, or the breach or alleged breach thereof, by binding arbitration by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) in the city of Miami, Florida under the commercial rules then in effect for the AAA, except as provided herein (the “AAA Rules”).

written Demand for Arbitration as specified in the AAA Rules. (The AAA provides a form Demand for Arbitration at The arbitrator will be either a retired judge or an attorney licensed to practice law in the state of Florida and will be selected by the parties from the AAA’s roster of consumer dispute arbitrators. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator within seven (7) days of delivery of the Demand for Arbitration, then the AAA will appoint the arbitrator in accordance with the AAA Rules. The arbitrator will render an award within the time frame specified in the AAA Rules. The arbitrator's decision will include the essential findings and conclusions upon which the arbitrator based the award. Judgment on the arbitration award shall be entered exclusively in the state and federal courts sitting in Miami Dade County, Florida.

The arbitrator’s award damages must be consistent with the terms of the “Limitation of Liability” section above as to the types and the amounts of damages for which a party may be held liable. The award rendered by the arbitrator shall include costs of arbitration, reasonable attorneys’ fees and reasonable costs for expert and other witnesses, and any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. The Federal Arbitration Act will govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Section.

If there’s any problem with the project, it may be cancelled. In this case, the amount still under guarantee on the platform may be reimbursed to the client, i.e. the value that has not been released to the professional by the client (check our project cancellation policy). In the event of a cancellation with a refund to the client, this amount will be credited to the client's Workanzer account. At this time the customer may choose to use the amount as a credit in future contracts or request a refund

In projects per hour, both the employer and the professional have access to a Work Journal. There professionals record the hours worked. After this registration, the employer must approve or reject those hours. If they would be approved, the payment thereof is automatically released to the professional. If instead the hours are rejected, they are not paid.

If the hours are approved, the professional gets paid automatically, so a refund is no longer possible, even if the project between closed. If instead the hours were rejected, and both sides could not reach an agreement, Workanzer may intervene performing an arbitration. In this case, the cancellation policies are the same as for fixed value projects (see cancellation policies for fixed value projects) If Workanzer conclude that the employer is right, the rejected hours will not be paid. In case of conclusion that the professional is successful, the payment solventing the hours worked will be debited. Workanzer works to make fair decisions and taking care that the agreements between professionals and clients are respected. Therefore it is important to always make clear everything agreed between the parties within each project.

If there’s any problem with the project, it may be cancelled. In this case, the amount still under guarantee on the platform may be reimbursed to the client, i.e. the value that has not been released to the professional by the client (check our project cancellation policy). In the event of a cancellation with a refund to the client, this amount will be credited to the client's Workanzer account. At this time the customer may choose to use the amount as a credit in future contracts or request a refund.

On Workanzer, you can create and publish a project in a simple, fast and dynamic way. The first step is signing up so you can hire a professional. You can follow the steps below:
1- Click on Hire and Post a Project
2- Category: choose the appropriate category so that professionals can easily find your project.
3- Project name: choose a name that describes the main goal of your project. Try to make yourself clear while being concise as well.
4- Specifications: define the scope of your project and include all information necessary for the professional to see if they fit the profile you're looking for and - if they do - to evaluate if they'll be able to do the job.
5- Advanced Options:

  • Visibility and scope: visibility and scope will help you filter the best freelancers for your project.
  • Size and budget: choose the size of your project and how much you want to pay for the work.
  • Delivery time in days: choose the appropriate deadline for professionals to propose in compliance to do so.

6- Describe your project: This step is essential so that professionals know what the project is about and can give you a more personalized offer.
7-Attach file: You can attach files, images or videos related to the project as additional information.
8- Skills needed: specify the skills needed to get the job done. This will be of huge importance so you can receive offers that are most qualified and similar to what you're looking for.
9- Receive better proposals : In this step you can hire Workanzer‘s advice, highlight your project or make it private. This can help you receive better proposals for your project.
10- Freelancers suggested by Workanzer: You will find a list of freelancers that have the skills you are looking for. Invite them!

Once the project is published, Workanzer will keep you informed about the proposals or messages you receive and the movement of your account.

Hourly: In projects per hour, both the employer and the professional have access to a Work Journal. There professionals record the hours worked. After this registration, the employer must approve or reject those hours. If they would be approved, the payment thereof is automatically released to the professional. If instead the hours are rejected, they are not paid.

Fixed Price: a price is decided between the client and workanzer for the entire project which is then payed to the workanzer automatically once the project is complete.

When you post a project on Workanzer you must put as much information as you can, so that it is clear to the workanzer what the job entails.
This allows you to establish a budget properly and do a better job.
Make sure you put as many details as possible about what you need. A complete description and any information to help potential bidders make a proper proposal.
Important aspects to consider:

  • Specify the required skills
  • Define an expected deadline
  • Clarify the scope of your project: what it includes and what it doesn't include
  • Specify the technology you want to use
  • Define the deliverables you want
  • Provide examples

Post a job on your account and wait for freelancers to contact you and then choose the best for you from their ratings and reviews.

Keep checking your messages for proposals and then choose the best bid appropriate to you.

After you accept a bid, you must pay the security deposit of a fixed price or, if it is an hourly project, you must validate your payment method. Then the professional can start their work.

Direct hires are developed in the same way as a regular project, but they are projects created exclusively for one professional (not visible to the rest of the community). When the client and the professional have previously worked together, the client will be able to rehire the professional through a direct hire.

Our algorithm takes into account the following factors: The EARNINGS received by a professional through Workanzer. The RATINGS received from clients for projects completed in Workanzer. And finally, the DISPUTES and VIOLATIONS

You post your project.

  • You receive bids from the best professionals.
  • You start talking with those you like the most to agree on deadlines, cost and tasks for each of them.

Once you have selected all your candidates, you must accept the first chosen one among them all. Yes, without fear, you won’t lose anything you already have there.

How to find all projects after hiring?
Go to “My Projects” section and you’ll see the following:
Name of the hired workanzer – Name of the original project
This way, if your original project were called: “Website design for a watch store”, and you have hired 3 different workanzers, you will see in your list:
  • Name of workanzer 1 - Website design for a watch store
  • Name of workanzer 2 - Website design for a watch store
  • Name of workanzer 3 - Website design for a watch store

This way, each project will function independently, but they will still all be part of the same original project.

In projects per hour, both the employer and the professional have access to a Work Journal. There professionals record the hours worked. After this registration, the employer must approve or reject those hours. If they would be approved, the payment thereof is automatically released to the professional. If instead the hours are rejected, they are not paid.

Workanzer Time Report is a tool designed for hourly projects that allows your clients to have greater visibility and control over your work. It is a simple app, easy to use and install, that records the time dedicated to a specific task and takes screenshots that show in detail the work you accomplished

The work journal is the complete panel for managing the reporting and approval of hours for hourly contracted projects.

Its most important features include:

  • Complete panel for report management and approval of hours ("Work Journal")
  • An hourly report where you can easily recognize the task performed in each hour submitted.
  • In case you do not approve the hours reported by the professional you will have several options of actions to take to resolve the conflict between the parties.
  • A PAY FOR HOURS button, to pay for pending hours to the professional

You can access the work journal from your projects’ list, or by entering the project and selecting "Work Journal"
Below you will see the complete diary with full details of the submitted hours and the buttons to APPROVE OR REJECT them and the PAY FOR HOURS button.
In the work journal you can:
  • Send direct messages from the work journal without having to switch screens
  • Export a report in CSV format with the detail of the hours in the chosen time period
  • Pay for hours pending billing or with billing error (if you are a client)

Remember that:
  • The work begins once the customer has a verified means of payment The hours already approved are automatically paid once a week.
  • Submitted hours pending approval may be approved automatically by us once the deadline set in the work journal has been met. It appears at the top of the screen.
  • In the "contracts" section you can view all the hourly contracts you have and review them separately.

In essence, an escrow is a type of legal holding account for funds or assets, which won't be released until certain conditions are met. The escrow is held by a neutral third party, which releases it either when those predetermined contractual obligations are fulfilled or an appropriate instruction is received.

Once a project Is completed the funds will be released to the professional automatically.

Sending contact information to other users is against our policies and may lead to you losing your account as a result.

I want a refund

Divide your projects into stages or milestones
Milestone #1: Presentation of 6 choices of concepts (30%)
Milestone #2: First revision of chosen concept (30%)
Milestone #3: Second revision of chosen concept (30%)
Milestone #4: Delivery of final logo in all formats (10%)
This allows you to have more control over what needs to be done and the time you need to complete each task. These milestones are the material the professional must deliver to you as they move along the project - you must approve each and every one of these deliverables. As the stages or milestones are completed and approved, the percentage of progress completed will go up to 100%.

After discussing the new requirements with the professional, the client (or the profissional) can create an extension (or several) directly from the main project panel. When doing so, they must indicate the details and value of the new project.

Once the extension has been created and the security deposit has been paid, the professional can view the original project and the extension(s) within the same panel and also in their list of projects:
Thus, and in order to make its development easier, all messages will be centralized in the main project

When you publish a project in Workanzer and hire professionals to carry it out, you agree with them on a value for the work to be done.
However, it may happen that during the project professionals may have to perform extra tasks that were not included in the initial agreed budget.
For these cases there is the option of Direct Payment 🎯
Through Direct Payment, you as a client can send the professional an extra payment for those tasks that were not covered by the original agreement.

Please note that Direct Payments should not be used to pay for entire projects, but should only be used to pay for extra amounts that may arise from an ongoing project.

In order to make a direct payment you must enter the profile of the hired professional. Once inside his/her profile, you will see a button at the bottom right that says "Send Direct Payment".

Then a new screen will appear where you can indicate the amount you want to send. When you enter the amount, the payment methods available to you for your country of residence will appear so that you can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

This type of payment is not covered by Workanzer's guarantee, which means that there is no possibility of refund in the event of any dispute between the parties regarding the payment of the direct payment.

Direct hires are developed in the same way as a regular project, but they are projects created exclusively for one professional (not visible to the rest of the community).

When the client and the professional have previously worked together, the client will be able to rehire the professional through a direct hire.

Additionally, clients with a Plus plan (or higher) will be able to create direct contracts for Gold, Platinum or Hero freelancers, with whom they have not previously worked.

How do I create a direct hire?

  • The client will be able to enter the professional's profile and select the option "Hire". If you previously worked together, client can also rehire the workanzer from the chat window.
  • A page will open, where you must enter all the details of the work to be done, delivery time and value, to create the project:
  • The project will then be created and will appear directly in both profiles (client and professional) as a project with the status "waiting for escrow".
  • Once the security deposit is paid, the project will look like a regular project where you can propose a new deadline, receive deliverables, create extensions, etc.

REMEMBER: Clients with a basic plan will only be able to directly hire professionals with whom they have previously worked (rehiring). Clients with a Plus plan or higher will be able to create direct contracts for professionals with whom they have not worked before (Gold, Platinum or Hero).

Deadlines should be decided between workanzer and client.

Release payment to worker.

How can I release funds to a worker?

Funds will be released automatically upon completion of the project.

2 Help options